Churchyard Regulations
The following guidelines were issued by the Chancellor on 25th September 2007.
They apply to the churchyards of St Augustine's, St Mary's, St Nicholas' and St Peter-de-Witton.
General Requirements
Timing | Six months have passed since the most recent of the death. This does not apply to interment stones, which can be placed immediately. |
Inscription | The name of the deceased, the date of his or her death, the date of birth or the age at death, and any factual material in the inscription is accurate. |
Material | Stone - either sandstone, limestone, granite. Wood. |
Colour | Grey not darker than Rustenberg grey, or slate or natural stone. Coloured granite (Blue, red, black etc) is NOT permitted. |
Finish | Not a highly polished reflective finish. |
Lettering | Any lettering or other decoration is engraved and incorporated in the memorial. |
Decoration | Decoration other than lettering is not coloured. |
Trademarks | No advertisement or trademark other than the name or mark of the mason which if included shall be at the base of the side or rear face of the stone and no more than 13 mm (½ in) high. |
Flower Vase | Any receptacle for a flower vase is within and forms part of the memorial, such that its upper surface is flush with the upper surface of the memorial. |
Vertical Headstone
Vertical sides and a horizontal or curved top.
Height | between | 500 mm and 1200 mm | (1 ft 8 in and 4 ft) |
Width | between | 500 mm and 900 mm | (1 ft 8 in and 3 ft) |
Thickness (Slate) | between | 40 mm and 150 mm | (1½ in and 6 in) |
Thickness (other) | between | 75 mm and 150 mm | (3 in and 6 in) |
Foundation slab is located so that its upper surface is either flush with the surrounding ground level or at least 300 mm (12 in) beneath it.
Vertical Headstone on a Horizontal Slab
The base is an integral part of the design.
Flower vase base does not project more than 200 mm (8 in) beyond the face of the vertical stone (in any other case, it does not project more than 100 mm (4 in)).
Horizontal Slab Commemorating the Interment of a Coffin
No more than 600 mm wide and 1800 mm long (2 ft x 6 ft).
Surface of the memorial must be flush with the surrounding ground.
Horizontal Slab Commemorating the Interment of Cremated Remains
No more than 450 mm (18 in) square.
Surface or the memorial must be flush with the surrounding ground.
Simple Timber Cross
Dimensions must not exceed those of a headstone.
Maintenance Issues
Graves must be grassed over, and not covered with gravel or chippings.
The use of the following items over or in association with a grave is not permitted:
trees bushes or shrubs;
plastic flowers, coloured decorations, photographs, ornaments and statues of any kind.
kerbs, railings or other structures to denote the border of a grave.
Any other memorial may only be introduced into a churchyard with the authority of a faculty.
The Rector will not approve a proposed memorial, notwithstanding compliance with paragraph 1 above, if he or she considers that it is:
likely to be controversial for any reason;
in any way inappropriate
In considering what is appropriate the Rector will have special regard to the documents entitled Churchyard Memorials: a Guide for the Bereaved and The Care of Churchyards: a Guide for Parishes issued on 1st January 2004, and any documents superseding them.
If any memorial is introduced into the churchyard without the written authority of the Rector, he/she will require the ground to be restored to its previous state by the person who introduced it, at the cost of that person.
In the absence of a Rector, the functions of the Rector under these Guidelines will be performed by the Area Dean.
These Guidelines are for the Churchyards at St Augustine, St Mary, St Nicholas and St Peter-de-Witton, Droitwich Spa, and were approved in draft by the PCC and by the Diocesan Advisory Committee in November 2004, and approved by Chancellor on 25th September 2007.